TLS Tunneling Tool

The tlstunnel is a wrapper around connections that simply adds (or removes) a TLS wrapper. The tool is generic, and can even engage in STARTTLS handshakes. The one thing it cannot do is reveal the authenticated identities to the plain-connected endpoint.

The TLS Tunnel is a generic tool, and does things similar to stunnel, except that its driving engine is the TLS Pool. It is extensively documented on the tlstunnel(8) manual page. It can run as a client or server.

TLS Tunnel wrapping TLS around a Server

One possible use is to wrap an unprotected web server, using the TLS Tunnel to receive incoming connections with TLS, remove the TLS wrapper and forward to the plaintext web server. This can be done with

tlstunnel -s -l [::]:443 -L testsrv@tlspool.arpa2.lab -r [2001:db8::1234]:80

The parameters indicate:

  • -s for server mode
  • -l [::]:443 is the local address; in this case, it listens to all local network interfaces, specifically on TCP port 443, for incoming TLS connections
  • -L testsrv@tlspool.arpa2.lab is the identity used on the local end; it represents the server over TLS
  • -r [2001:db8::1234]:80 is the remote address, in this case the plaintext web server

The identities used are not very practical; they actually stem from the test setup for the TLS Pool; but you can of course insert your own; you can use identities with or without a user and @ symbol.

TLS Tunnel wrapping a Client into TLS

Another possible use of the TLS Tunnel is to take a plain text connection and wrap it into TLS. This can be done with

tlstunnel -c -l [::1]:8080 -L testcli@tlspool.arpa2.lab -r [2001:db8::1234]:443 -R testsrv@tlspool.arpa2.lab

The parameters indicate:

  • -c for client mode
  • -l [::1]:8080 is the local address; in this case, it listens to localhost, specifically on TCP port 8080, for incoming plaintext connections
  • -L testcli@tlspool.arpa2.lab is the local identity; it represents the client towards the server over TLS
  • -r [2001:db8::1234]:443 is the remote address; it might be one of the network addresses to which the server-side TLS Tunnel from the previous section listens
  • -R testsrv@tlspool.arpa2.lab is the remote identity; the client-side TLS Tunnel will validate this to authenticate the server

The identities used are not very practical; they actually stem from the test setup for the TLS Pool; but you can of course insert your own; you can use identities with or without a user and @ symbol.

Bootstrapping STARTTLS methods

An example of wrapping a web connection is a bit trivial; these connections run their TLS variants over a separate port, and will engage in the TLS handshake as soon as they are connected. Most other protocols follow a more modernised method, where they initiate in a plaintext connection, and possibly after negotiating features they will initiate a STARTTLS command. Once both ends agree to this, the TLS negotiationn starts.

The manner in which this is done differs widely across protocols. Still, the general idea is very special, and given that we know the remote endpoint we also know what exchange works for it. An example for SMTP would be:

S: 220 ESMTP vw1si18189807pac.278 - gsmtp
C: EHLO tlspool.arpa2.nep
S: at your service, [2001:980:93a5:1:1031:235a:e456:5ff9]
S: 250-SIZE 157286400
S: 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS

Lines marked with S: come from the server, and C: indicates client-sent lines. Note how the server at some point indicates with a line 250-STARTTLS that it offers the facility to issue a command STARTTLS, which the client does indeed. Then, the server responds positively (with 220 whatever) and after the end of that response the connection transcends into the TLS handshake. After having succeeded, the TLS-wrapped connection starts from scratch, because anything exchanged prior to the STARTTLS command was not protected and is thus not reliable.

The TLS Tunnel can participate in such exchanges prior to the actual TLS connection having started. To that end, it pulls an old work horse out of the meadows, namely chat(8). In the early days of the Internet, when we used dial-in modems, we used this language to describe the stimulus/response interaction with our Internet provider’s modem pool. This was done to establish our username and password before we were allowed to start ppp and continue with IP activity.

The example script to achieve this for an SMTP server is included in the TLS Pool distribution’s extra directory; we include it here to give an idea of the type of script that can interact with a server like the one above,

"220 " "EHLO\r\n\c"
"250-STARTTLS" "\c"
"250 " "STARTTLS\r\n\c"
"220 " "\c"

Sometimes, simple solutions work best :-) and the result in this case is excellent: you end up having a local connection that looks like the plaintext thing, but the wrapper does everything necessary to wrap a layer of security — including this initial incarnation to get to the TLS handshake.

Limitations of a generic TLS Tunnel

The TLS Tunnel is a useful utility, especially to system administrators. But it is not a complete TLS solution, and it is important to be aware of the limitations. The generic nature of the TLS Tunnel defines both its broad usability and its inherent shortcomings.

In many applications, it is desirable to know the remote identity, so as to be able to switch behaviours. This may apply to situations with clients who identify over TLS and then are freed from the burden of manual login procedures that are run within the unreliable context of a web interface.

Note that the TLS Pool makes an effort to facilitate this mode of use; local identity selection helps to control this, the link to SteamWorks helps with remote provisioning of identities (currently a major problem to making certificates practically usable), and additional mechanisms OpenPGP, TLS-KDH, SRP #11 and additional protocols such as STARTSSH and STARTGSS help to make it ever more likely that clients can find a pragmatic technology to provide their identity over TLS.

Such identities cannot be shared from the TLS Tunnel to a plaintext client or server; the reason is simply that each of the plaintext protocols is different, and the TLS Tunnel is a generic solution. So, when the remote identity matters (or when control over the local identity is desired), the TLS Tunnel is not the best choice.

The best solution is and will always be the integration of the TLS Pool with a target application. This is why webservers have plugin modules, for example. Interestingly, it takes about an hour to add the TLS Pool to an application, and to retrieve the authenticated identities from the TLS handshake — so we provide the TLS Tunnel but really just see it as a stepping stone towards better integration with services.